Was.. wes.. wos...
welcome to gelembung sabun. Tekan 1 untuk bahasa Indonesia, Press 2 for English. Teeeeeettttttttttt..
You choose English, oh man i just in joke.My grammar is so really bad, so pardon me if there are so many incorrect. Ok , but i dont have any story right now, maybe in this fast season, my brain Heng , yu know lah...
My school made me busy, there is so many exercise and the fatals is in sport. oh Jere, tanganku pegel tau ga, Imagine write down 100 traditional medicine recipes myself, no help. I got painnnn and no more special event which i mustreport. bye.. (ga asik ya pake inggris , bagi orang kaya aku)
You choose English, oh man i just in joke.My grammar is so really bad, so pardon me if there are so many incorrect. Ok , but i dont have any story right now, maybe in this fast season, my brain Heng , yu know lah...
My school made me busy, there is so many exercise and the fatals is in sport. oh Jere, tanganku pegel tau ga, Imagine write down 100 traditional medicine recipes myself, no help. I got painnnn and no more special event which i mustreport. bye.. (ga asik ya pake inggris , bagi orang kaya aku)